Stuffed Onion


4 large onions
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, crushed
2 sage leaves, finely chopped
4 tablespoons breadcrumbs
4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons butter or margarine


  1. Peel the onions and parboil them. Drain, cut the tops off, and scoop out the centers, leaving about 1/2-inch around the sides. Chop the scooped-out onion finely, and sauté lightly over low heat for 6-7 minutes with the celery, garlic and sage.
  2. Add the breadcrumbs, continue cooking for 2 minutes, remove from the heat, and mix in the grated Parmesan cheese, parsley, and salt and pepper to taste. Melt the butter or margarine with a little salt and pepper in an ovenproof dish, put in the onions, and fill with the stuffing. Dot each onion with the remaining butter.
  3. Cook in a hot oven (425°F) for 30-35 minutes until tender, basting from time to time with the cooking juices. Garnish with sprigs of parsley and tomato wedges before serving.
  4. Stuffed onions can be served cold as well as hot, in which case they should be cooked in oil rather than butter.

Makes 4 servings.

Source: The Cook’s Book

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