Asian Chicken Dishes II

Below are the dishes I’ll teach in the cooking class this evening.

Steamed Spicy Sesame Chicken

Vietnamese Roast Chicken with Coconut Rice

Thai Ginger Chicken

See my related posts:

Resistance Training While Regaining Weight Reduces Disease Risk Factors

Although obesity is a major risk factor for disease, much of the threat may be associated with the metabolic (or cardiometabolic) syndrome, a cluster of risk factors related to diabetes and heart disease. Losing weight can improve health and reduce many of these risk factors. However, many people struggle to keep the weight off long-term.

Researchers at the University of Missouri have found that people who perform resistance training while regaining weight can help maintain strides in reducing their risks for chronic disease.


Frequent Chocolate Consumption Could Reduce Coronary Heart Disease Risk

Frequent chocolate consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) in men and women independent of traditional risk factors, according to a review of a national US based heart, lung and blood study.

These findings are consistent with a recent study in the German Heart Journal which showed dark chocolate intake was associated with a 39 per cent lower risk of myocardial infarction and stroke combined.

Dark chocolate belongs to the flavonoid-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables, tea, and red wine, with epidemiologic evidence indicates that beneficial effects of these on CHD are partly mediated through the effects of their polyphenolic compounds.

Previous studies have demonstrated beneficial effects of dark chocolate on blood pressure and endothelial function.


All Types of Physical Activities May Cut Risk of Heart Failure

You don’t necessarily have to sweat it out at the gym for hours every week to have a healthy heart. If your job keeps you relatively active, you’re reaping heart benefits, suggests new research.

In fact, the study found that men who were moderately active at work were 10 percent less likely to develop heart failure, while women who were moderately active at work were 20 percent less likely to develop heart failure.

Not surprisingly, the study found that the best of both worlds — physical activity during leisure time and work activity combined — led to even greater heart health.


Study Finds Joint Supplements Glucosamine and Chondroitin do not work

The two supplements taken by millions of people around the world for joint pain do not work and should not be paid for by health authorities or insurers, according to a study by Swiss scientists.

They are either taken on their own or in combination to reduce the pain caused by osteoarthritis in the hips and knees.

But in a review of trials involving 3,803 patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis, the Swiss researchers found there was “no clinically relevant effect” of chondroitin, glucosamine, or the two in combination on perceived joint pain.