In Pictures: Food of 102 House in Shanghai, China

Fine Dining Traditional Cantonese Cuisine

No.40 of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants

Stir-fried Lobster with Fermented Black Bean


1 lb Lobster tail
1 tbsp fermented black bean
1/2 tbsp mashed garlic
1 red chilli (shredded)
1 tsp finely diced ginger
2 stalks spring onions (sectioned)
3 tbsp pickled cucumber (or shredded Szechwan preserved vegetable well soaked in cold water)


pinch of pepper
1/2 tsp chicken broth mix (optional)
1/2 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp oil


1/2 tsp cornstarch
4 tbsp water
dash sesame oil
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar


  1. Mix fermented black beans, mashed garlic, diced ginger with 1 tbsp water.
  2. Wash lobster, wipe dry, take out meat and cut into pieces or chop up with shell.
  3. Marinate with seasoning for 10 minutes. Parboil in hot oil. Remove and drain.
  4. Saute ginger, fermented black beans, mashed garlic with 2 tbsp oil. Add lobster and stir-fry to mix. Drizzle 1 tsp wine. Add red chili and pickled cucumber. Mix well and add sauce ingredients. Stir and cook until sauce thickens. Add spring onion, mix to combine. Remove and serve hot.

Source: Cantonese-style Stir-fry

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