Some Gut Bugs May Help Lower Your Cholesterol

Dennis Thompson . . . . . . . . .

Changes in gut bacteria have been linked to a variety of different diseases, including type 2 diabetes, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease.

Now, a new study indicates that gut bacteria also might play a role in a person’s risk of developing heart disease.

Certain species of bacteria actively consume cholesterol in the gut, which might help lower cholesterol levels and heart disease risk in people, researchers reported recently in the journal Cell.

In particular, people with higher levels of Oscillibacter bacteria in their gut have lower levels of cholesterol, because those bacteria drink in and process cholesterol from their surroundings, results show.

These findings could serve as “starting points to improve cardiovascular health” by tweaking a person’s gut bacteria, also known as the microbiome, said senior researcher Ramnik Xavier, co-director of the Broad Institute Infectious Disease and Microbiome Program in Boston.

Prior studies have linked the gut microbiome to heart disease risk factors like triglyceride or blood sugar levels, but they have failed to completely explain the means by which these bacteria affect heart health.

For the study, researchers analyzed the gut bacteria of more than 1,400 participants in the Framingham Heart Study, a decades-long effort to investigate risk factors for heart disease.

They found that people with several Oscillibacter species tended to have lower cholesterol than those who didn’t.

They also found that Oscillibacter is surprisingly abundant in the gut, representing, on average, one in every 100 bacteria.

To see how Oscillibacter affects cholesterol, researchers grew the bacteria in a laboratory from stool samples.

Analysis showed that the bacteria breaks down cholesterol into byproducts that are then further processed by other bacteria and excreted from the body.

They also found that another gut bacterial species, Eubacterium coprostanoligenes, also contributes to decreased cholesterol levels. That species carries a gene that is involved in cholesterol metabolism, the researchers explained.

In fact, Oscillibacter and Eubacterium might even boost each other’s impact on cholesterol levels, results show.

This research could lead to more studies that figure out why gut microbes have other effects on human health, the researchers said.

“There are many clinical studies trying to do fecal microbiome transfer studies without much understanding of how the microbes interact with each other and the gut,” said lead researcher Chenhao Li, a postdoctoral researcher in Xavier’s lab.

“Hopefully stepping back by focusing on one particular bug or gene first, we’ll get a systematic understanding of gut ecology and come up with better therapeutic strategies like targeting one or a few bugs,” Li added in a Broad Institute news release.

Source: HealthDay





The Growing Link Between Microbes, Mood and Mental Health

Tim Vernimmen wrote . . . . . . . . .

It is increasingly well understood that the countless microbes in our guts help us to digest our food, to absorb and produce essential nutrients, and to prevent harmful organisms from settling in. Less intuitive — perhaps even outlandish — is the idea that those microbes may also affect our mood, our mental health and how we perform on cognitive tests. But there is mounting evidence that they do.

For nearly two decades, neuroscientist John Cryan of University College Cork in Ireland has been uncovering ways in which intestinal microbes affect the brain and behavior of humans and other animals. To his surprise, many of the effects he’s seen in rodents appear to be mirrored in our own species. Most remarkably, research by Cryan and others has shown that transplanting microbes from the guts of people with psychiatric disorders like depression to the guts of rodents can cause comparable symptoms in the animals.

These effects may occur in several ways — through the vagus nerve connecting the gut to the brain, through the influence of gut bacteria on our immune systems, or by microbes synthesizing molecules that our nerve cells use to communicate. Cryan and coauthors summarize the science in a set of articles including “Man and the Microbiome: A New Theory of Everything?,” published in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. Cryan told Knowable Magazine that even though it will take much more research to pin down the mechanisms and figure out how to apply the insights, there are some things we can do already.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

“Man and the Microbiome: A New Theory of Everything?” — with all due respect, isn’t that a wee bit ambitious?

That title is admittedly a bit overstated. But the point we are trying to make is that it isn’t really so odd that the microbiome is involved in everything, because the microbes were there first, and so our species has evolved in their presence. We have been able to show that growing up in a germ-free environment really affects the development of the mouse brain, for example, in a variety of ways.

Our immune system is also completely shaped by microbial signals. Via that route, inflammation in our gut can affect our mood and cause symptoms of sickness behavior that are quite similar to important aspects of depression and anxiety. Many psychiatric disorders are also known to be associated with various gastrointestinal issues, though cause and effect often aren’t clear yet. So if you study the body, including the brain, you ignore microbes at your own peril.

Most people are on board with the idea that gut microbes affect our health, but it may be more difficult to accept that they also influence how we feel and think. How did you convince yourself this was true?

I’m a stress neurobiologist, so I was trained in stress-related disorders like depression and anxiety, and my interest was really in using animal models of stress to look for novel therapeutic strategies.

When I moved to University College Cork in 2005, I met a clinical researcher, Ted Dinan, and we started working together to study irritable bowel syndrome, a very common disorder that is characterized by alterations in bowel habits and abdominal pain.

That was interesting to me, as it had become very clear that this is also a stress-related disorder. So we started working on an animal model called the maternal separation model, where rat pups are separated from their moms early in life and develop a stress-like syndrome when they grow up.

Siobhain O’Mahony, a graduate student at the time, also wanted to look at the microbiome, and I remember telling her, “No! Focus, focus!” But she went ahead anyway and found a signature of this early-life stress in the microbiome of adult rats. That was kind of a eureka moment for me.

The next part of the puzzle came when we showed that mice born in a germ-free environment have an exaggerated stress response when they grow up. So we’d already shown that stress was affecting the microbiome, and now we’d shown that the microbiome is regulating how a mouse responds to stress. It turned out that a very nice study from Japan had already shown this.

The third part of the puzzle for me was to ask whether we could alter the microbiome to alleviate some of the effects of stress. In 2011, we were able to show that a specific strain of the bacterium Lactobacillus, when given to normal, healthy mice in a stressful situation, was able to dampen down the stress response, and that the vagus nerve connecting the gut to the brain was required for that.

These three things together, from 2006 to 2011, really crystallized my interest in the link between the gut microbiome, brain and behavior. Since then, we’ve been on this magical journey to try and understand these discoveries, uncover the mechanisms and find how they translate to humans.

Can you explain what a depressed or anxious mouse looks like, and how you quantify that?

One way to look at fear is to quantify how often mice venture into wide open areas, which they normally avoid. If we give a mouse Valium or another anxiety-reducing drug, it will go out and explore and be carefree, not to say a bit reckless. Depression is often studied by looking at mice in a cylinder of water. They are good swimmers, but they don’t like swimming, so after a while, they’ll stop and adopt an immobile posture. Yet if you give them antidepressant drugs, they keep going.

These types of paradigms have shown their validity in studies of pharmacological agents used in human psychiatry, and so they’re ideal to explore whether microbiome manipulations have similar effects. This can be done by transplanting the microbes from a mouse model for a psychiatric disease to a healthy mouse to see whether that creates similar issues, or vice versa, to see if it can resolve them.

Following a similar logic, we have shown that the microbiome can be important in brain aging and cognitive decline. We took the microbiome from eight-week-old mice and gave it to 22-month-old animals — these are very old mice. And we were able to show wide-scale changes across the body — in the microbiome and the immune system, but also in the hippocampus, a brain structure involved in memory.

In the old animals that received the microbiome from young ones, the hippocampus looked completely rejuvenated in its chemical composition. They also performed significantly better in mazes designed to test their memory. This finding has now been replicated in two other labs, giving it further credence.

Such experiments are difficult if not impossible to do in people. How to make that jump?

One thing we can do is to transplant microbes from the guts of people with psychiatric disorders to rodents, to see if they cause comparable behaviors. This has now been done for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, social anxiety disorder and even Alzheimer’s disease. In one of our own studies, we transferred fecal microbiota from depressed patients to a rat model. This resulted in behavior reminiscent of that in rat models for depression, such as increased anxiety and an uninterest in rewards, in addition to inflammation.

In addition, we can see if bacterial strains we’ve identified as troublemakers in rodents also occur in people with psychiatric issues, and if strains that are beneficial in rodents can help humans as well.

What I’d really like to do is follow a large group of healthy people for a couple of years and track their mental and brain health as well as the changes in their microbiome, and regularly transplant their gut microbes into mice. This would give us a much better view on how this relationship evolves.

Do you think some of the probiotics available in stores today might be helpful, or not quite?

In my opinion, many so-called probiotics aren’t probiotics at all. Probiotics, per definition, are live microorganisms that, when taken in adequate amounts, can confer a health benefit. Most of what’s for sale in shops would never meet that criterion. To demonstrate that something confers a health benefit, you need clinical trials to show it is more effective than a placebo. That’s the first thing. Second, you have to show that the microbes are alive, and that they can survive the stomach acid.

There have been properly randomized controlled trials for some products. But for most products available over the counter today, such studies haven’t been done, because the regulatory authorities do not require them for probiotics as they would for medicines.

There’s a lot of snake oil out there. For most people, it’s probably harmless, but if you are immunosuppressed, it could be dangerous: Even beneficial bacteria can cause great harm if your immune system does not function properly.

Don’t get me wrong, I think there are many promising findings, but this field is very much in its infancy. I’m much more enthusiastic right now about whole-food approaches that adjust people’s diets to include more fermented foods — a source of beneficial bacteria — and the fibers that many beneficial members of our microbiome need to survive. And this, everyone can already do.

Have you done any experiments that show such a diet can improve mental health?

We’ve just done a small study with what we call a psychobiotic diet. Kirsten Berding, a German dietician who did a post-doc in my group, took a group of people with bad diets who were stress-sensitive — namely, our student population — and put them on a one-month diet to really ramp up fermented foods and fibers to the benefit of the microbiome. What we showed was that the better individuals followed the diet, the greater the reduction in stress.

The study wasn’t perfectly blinded, because people knew what they were eating, but they didn’t know what they were eating it for. And this was just the beginning: We’re now doing a much longer study trying to really untangle this.

We’ve also done a small randomly controlled study with a polydextrose fiber that was shown to improve the performance of healthy volunteers on a range of cognitive tests.

Obviously, more work of this kind is necessary. But in this case, I don’t think we should wait for that. Think about the experiment where we’ve transplanted microbes from young to old mice, for example: I’m not advertising poop transplants for aging adults. What we’ve found is that the more diverse your diet, the more diverse your microbiome, and the better your health when you get old. If you look at the beige, bland food served in many nursing homes and hospitals today, that is not the kind of diet that helps people to maintain a healthy microbiome and therefore a healthy brain.

We’ve done a study in mice where we adjusted their diet to contain much more inulin, a fiber that we know supports the growth of beneficial bacterial strains, and found we could dampen down the neuroinflammation that is often associated with cognitive decline in aging. This fiber is present in our everyday diet — there is a lot of it in vegetables like leeks, artichokes and chicory. So perhaps if you’re thinking of having a midlife crisis, forget about the motorbike and start growing vegetables.

This is all in healthy patients. Do you think the diet might also help people with mental health issues?

I do, but we need to test it, of course. An earlier study of ours showed that students born by C-section, who missed out on some of the microbes that newborns acquire during vaginal birth, had an elevated immune and psychological response to both chronic and acute stress, in line with our findings in mice. It would be very interesting to test if a psychobiotic diet might benefit them.

As I said, many psychiatric disorders are also associated with inflammation and other problems in the gut. Of course, this relationship works both ways, and it’s not always clear to what extent the irregularities in the gut are the cause or the result of the mental issues — or whether it’s a bit of both. But if we can show a healthier microbiome can improve mental health, that would be great news.

This is what’s appealing about the microbiome: It’s probably more modifiable than the rest of our body. If we understand how it works, that might give people more options to improve their health, even if they didn’t have the best start, microbially speaking. That’s what we hope to achieve.

Source: Knowable Magazine





Infographic: What Lives in Your Gut Microbiome?

Enlarge image . . . . .

Source: Visual Capitalist





Messenger RNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Affect the Gut Microbiome

Hazan, Sabine; Dave, Sonya; Barrows, Brad; and Borody, Thomas J. wrote . . . . . . . . .


Messenger RNA vaccines for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection are widely used yet their effect on the gut microbiome is not known. Low bifidobacteria levels have been linked with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, inflammatory bowel disease, Clostridioides diffícile infection, obesity and aging. Preliminary case reports suggest fecal microbiota transplant could cure SARS-CoV-2 infection. A study by Bozkurt et al. showed that SARS-CoV-2 patients taking bifidiobacteria-containing probiotics had lower COVID-related hospitalization times.


34 subjects had stool collection prior to vaccination and one month post vaccination to evaluate the relative abundance of bifidobacteria in the gut. DNA was extracted, library was prepped, and enrichment and sequencing were done using metagenomic next generation sequencing.


Relative abundance of genus bifidobacteria significantly decreased to about half of original value after vaccination (P = 0.0065 via Wilcoxon signed rank test). Prior to vaccination, median (interquartile range) values of relative abundance for genus bifidobacteria were 1.13% (0.0016% to 2.52%) and after vaccination were 0.64% (0.0015% to 2.48%).


Bifidobacteria, included in the $1 billion industry of probiotics, has been shown to be critical in inflammatory diseases, severe COVID-19, obesity, and the aging process. Our results, although preliminary suggest that SARS COV-2 mRNA vaccine decreases levels of bifidobacteria (P = 0.0065). Future studies will be needed to characterize the time course of this decrease in bifidobacteria abundance, its impact on human health, and whether or not similar findings are seen with other vaccines.

Source: The American College of Gastroenterology

Read more:

How are COVID-19 mRNA vaccines linked to the gut microbiome and dietary fibre intake? – BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute . . . . .

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A comprehensive perspective on the interaction between gut microbiota and COVID-19 vaccines – Taylor & Francis Online . . . . .





Could the Bacteria in Your Gut Play a Part in How Clogged Your Arteries Are?

Cara Murez wrote . . . . . . . . .

Your gut bacteria could affect your risk for the fatty deposits in heart arteries — and future heart attacks, researchers say.

A new study finds a link between the levels of certain microbes in the gut and these coronary atherosclerotic plaques.

Led by researchers from Uppsala and Lund Universities in Sweden, the study analyzed gut bacteria and cardiac images from nearly 9,000 Swedish patients ages 50 to 65 with no known heart disease.

“We found that oral bacteria, especially species from the Streptococcus genus, are associated with increased occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques in the small arteries of the heart when present in the gut flora,” said researcher Tove Fall, a professor of molecular epidemiology at Uppsala University.

“Species from the Streptococcus genus are common causes of pneumonia and infections of the throat, skin and heart valves,” she said in a university news release. “We now need to understand whether these bacteria are contributing to atherosclerosis development.”

The authors said advanced technology that allows for sequencing and comparing DNA content in biological samples aided the analysis. At the same time, improved imaging techniques enable researchers to detect and measure early changes in the small vessels of the heart.

“The large number of samples with high-quality data from cardiac imaging and gut flora allowed us to identify novel associations,” said lead author Sergi Sayols-Baixeras, a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University. “Among our most significant findings, Streptococcus anginosus and S. oralis subsp. oralis were the two strongest ones.”

These bacteria were associated with inflammation markers in the blood. Some species linked to fatty deposits in arteries were also linked to the levels of the same species in the mouth.

“We have just started to understand how the human host and the bacterial community in the different compartments of the body affect each other,” said senior author Marju Orho-Melander, a professor in genetic epidemiology at Lund University. “Our study shows worse cardiovascular health in carriers of streptococci in their gut. We now need to investigate if these bacteria are important players in atherosclerosis development.”

The findings were published in the journal Circulation.

Source: HealthDay